You can apply feng shui to almost any room – including the bedroom. We show you how to furnish your resting place with a few basic rules according to the theory of harmony.
Feng shui is a Daoist theory of harmony from China. The main aim of feng shui is to harmonize people with the spaces and landscapes around them. The environment should be designed in such a way that it has a harmonizing and beneficial effect on the human organism. The design of living spaces is particularly important here.
In this article, you will find out how to bring feng shui into your bedroom – with specific tips on furnishing, furniture alignment, and behavioral recommendations for the relaxation room.
The teachings of feng shui are based on the Chinese philosophy of qi, or “chi”. According to the Daoist view, Qi is an invisible energy in everything that exists in the world. It animates and influences the world significantly. Through Feng Shui, Qi should be able to move through rooms in an optimal flow. At the same time, the existence of harmful energies should be eliminated or prevented.In classic feng shui, a distinction is made between yin and yang spaces. Yang is the energy of roads and water, while yin stands for mountains and tranquillity. In modern feng shui, the symbolism of yin and yang is often applied to areas of the home. Active rooms such as the study or living room represent yang rooms. According to Feng Shui, the bedroom, on the other hand, as a haven of peace in the home, is a Yin room.
With a few tips, you can follow Feng Shui in the bedroom. The bedroom plays a key role in feng shui. It serves as a place of retreat and should offer body and mind relaxation and absolute peace. Therefore, one of the basic rules for the bedroom is to keep it free from disturbing or harmful influences.
Basic feng shui rules for every bedroom:
- Don’t store electronic devices in the bedroom (or alternatively take them off the power at night).
- Keep the room tidy and use as little furniture or accessories as possible. This way, your eyes won’t be constantly distracted.
- Choose soft colors for walls and furniture. Light pastel or earthy colors are ideal.
- Never position the headboard of your bed directly under the window, but rather against a solid wall.
- Avoid placing your bed near heating pipes or cables.
- Avoid heavy furniture and large pictures behind the headboard of your bed.
For an ideal energy flow, Feng Shui recommends a bedroom facing west. If you have a west-facing room in your home, choose this as your bedroom.
Of course, you can also create a feng shui climate in rooms with a different orientation. However, always make sure to position your bed facing west within the room.
If you are lucky enough to have a lot of sun in your room during the day, make sure that it never reaches your bed directly. According to feng shui teachings, this will prevent the sleeping area from being charged with too much energy.
If you have a sloping roof, try not to place your bed directly under the slope. If there is no other option, cover the slope above the bed with sheets and conceal it. Make sure that your bed is accessible from both sides. For balance, place a bedside table on each long side.
Your bed should stand on legs and have enough space underneath. According to the teachings, the Qi should have enough space above and below the bed to flow freely.
And even if it is tempting – avoid using the space under your bed as storage space. According to feng shui teachings, beds with built-in drawers or futons are rather unsuitable.
When choosing your bed, you should choose natural materials such as wood.Wood is more on the Yin side and therefore better for rest and relaxation. What to look out for with wood: real wood, solid wood, solid wood: these are the differences. Avoid tropical wood for sustainability reasons.